Search & RecSys

Papers published at the venues related to IR, data mining, and recommendation such as KDD, ICDE, CIKM, Recsys, etc.


Hiun Kim, Jisu Jeong, Kyung-Min Kim, Dongjun Lee (LBox), Hyun Dong Lee, Dongpil Seo, Jeeseung Han, Dong Wook Park, Ji Ae Heo, Rak Yeong Kim. Intent-based Product Collections for E-commerce using Pretrained Language Models. IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service (DMS2021).

Seungjae Jung, Young-Jin Park, Jisu Jeong, Kyung-Min Kim, Hiun Kim, Minkyu Kim, Hanock Kwak. Global-Local Item Embedding for Temporal Set Prediction. RecSys 2021 (LBR).

Hwanjun Song, Minseok Kim (KAIST), Dongmin Park (KAIST), Yooju Shin (KAIST), Jae-Gil Lee (KAIST). Robust Learning by Self-Transition for Handling Noisy Labels. KDD 2021.

Il-Jae Kwon, Kyuyong Shin, Jisu Jeong, Kyung-Min Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang (SNU) and Young-Jin Park. AdamDGN: Adaptive Memory using Dynamic Graph Networks for Staleness Problem in Recommender System. OARS-KDD2021 (Long contributed talk)

Kyungho Kim, Kyungjae Lee, Seung-won Hwang, Young-In Song, Seungwook Lee, Query Generation for Multimodal Documents, EACL 2021 (Long)

Jihyuk Kim, Young-In Song and Seung-won Hwang, Web Document Encoding for Structure-Aware Keyphrase Extraction, SIGIR 2021 (short)

Hidetaka Kamigaito, Jingun Kwon, Young-In Song and Manabu Okumura, A New Surprise Measure for Extracting Interesting Relationships between Persons, EACL 2021 (Demonstration track)


Hojae Han, Seung-won Hwang, Young-In Song, and Siyeon Kim, "Training Data Optimization for Pairwise Learning to Rank", ICTIR 2020

Jae-woong Lee, Young-In Song, Deokmin Haam, Sanghoon Lee, Woo-sik Choi, and Jongwuk Lee, "Bridging the Gap between Click and Relevance for Learning-to-Rank with Minimal Supervision", CIKM 2020

Jingun Kwon, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Young-In Song, and Manabu Okumura, Hierarchical Trivia Fact Extraction from Wikipedia Articles, COLING 2020

J. J. Whang, Y. Jung, S. Kang, D. Yoo, and I. S. Dhillon, , Scalable Anti-TrustRank with Qualified Site-level Seeds for Link-based Web Spam Detection, Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW) Workshop on CyberSafety: Computational Methods in Online Misbehavior, 2020.

Jisu Jeong, Jeong-Min Yun, Hongi Keam, Young-Jin Park, Zimin Park, Junki Cho. div2vec: Diversity-Emphasized Node Embedding. Workshop on the Impact of Recommender Systems, RecSys 2020. 2020

Kyuyong Shin, Young-Jin Park, Kyung-Min Kim, Sunyoung Kwon. Multi-Manifold Learning for Large-scale Targeted Advertising System. AD@KDD 2020. 2020

Young-Jin Park, Kyuyong Shin, Kyung-Min Kim. Hop Sampling: A Simple Regularized Graph Learning for Non-Stationary Environments. MLG@KDD 2020. 2020


G. Lee, S. Kang, and J. J. Whang, , Hyperlink Classification via Structured Graph Embedding, ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2019.

Kyung-Min Kim, Donghyun Kwak, Hanock Kwak, Young-Jin Park, Sangkwon Sim, Jae-Han Cho, Minkyu Kim, Jihun Kwon, Nako Sung, Jung-Woo Ha. Tripartite Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-scale Social Recommendation. Recsys 2019 (LBR). 2019

Minz Won, Sanghyuk Chun, Xavier Serra. Automatic music tagging with Harmonic CNN. ISMIR 2019 (Late break demo). 2019

Gyuwan Kim. Subword Language Model for Query Auto-Completion. EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019. 2019

Kyungwoo Song, Mingi Ji, Sungrae Park, Il-Chul Moon. Hierarchical Context Enabled Recurrent Neural Network for Recommendation. AAAI 2019. 2019


J. J. Whang, Y. Jung, I. S. Dhillon, S. Kang, and J. Lee, Fast Asynchronous Anti-TrustRank for Web Spam Detection, ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) Workshop on MIS2: Misinformation and Misbehavior Mining on the Web, 2018.

Kyoung-Rok Jang, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, and Sang-Bum Kim: Interpretable Word Embedding Contextualization, Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP. 2018.

Taewon Yoon, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Hyun-Wook Woo, Seung-Wook Lee, and Sang-Bum Kim: On Temporally Sensitive Word Embeddings for News Information Retrieval, proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval, ECIR2018

Jiyoung Park, Jongpil Lee, Jangyeon Park, Jung-Woo Ha, Juhan Nam. Representation Learning of Music Using Artist Labels. ISMIR 2018. 2018

Keunchan Park, Jisoo Lee, Jaeho Choi. Deep Neural Networks for News Recommendations. CIKM 2017. 2017

​Hyun-Je Song, A-Yeong Kim, Seong-Bae Park. Translation of Natural Language Query into Keyword Query Using a RNN Encoder-Decoder. SIGIR 2017. ​​

Mami Kawasaki, Inho Kang, Tetsuya Sakai. Ranking Rich Mobile Verticals based on Clicks and Abandonment. CIKM 2017.

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